Grow up! Be self dependent.

I will directly come to the point. Now a days we saw many students roam here and there without any tension of their future. They all thinks that their parents are having good business or money to start a new one. The money that was earned by their parents. But they don’t seem to be self dependent at all.

I assure you that if you do a survey of 100 students that you have to do all sort of things on your own for a month. I guarantee that hardly 2 students can do that tasks on their own.

I don’t know why they are not tensed by these. I know it is very important to be free mind, make new friends but it is also important to build a good career and not to be dependent upon the family. Just think about that if you are at the age of 24 and someone asks you about your job or any career plan then what will you answer just doing fun in life, no job, no worries at all. It’s just very shamefull to say all that.

Just want to tell you that fun is good but apart from that you should think about yourself also, about future. Don’t be just dependent on anyone for your work, do it yourself or if having any problems then you may consult them with someone whom you think can help you.

Thank you for your precious time.

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Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.- IZAAK WALTON

Let’s start a new journey with our first blog. So let’s talk about the above quote states that having a good company i.e; a friend, or a family member or he or she can be anyone who always helps you in each and every situation and helps to pop up from difficult problems.

When you start a new journey or a new activity one thing always came to your mind that is how should I do that, how I can started but if you are having a good company of someone then you can achieve your goal.

Whether the path is too long but if someone is with you then the long path becomes short and the way to your goal will be directed to you and you will achieve all thing which you wanted to.

That’s all for now. Hope you like it.

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